We’ve had our first round of crisp mornings here in the Midwest, and you know what that means…pumpkin spice! I used to drink pumpkin spice lattes from that famous coffee shop like they were going out of style. Then one day I heard a news story about how they were “adding real pumpkin” this year. …
Month: September 2018
Batch Cooking and Ready-to-Eat Meals
No series about meal prep would be complete without touching on batch cooking and freezing leftovers. Batch cooking is such a time saver, and sanity saver when you need meals in a hurry. Our freezer is always stocked with heat and eat meatballs, chicken strips, and soups that are a great alternative to the processed …
Our Weekly Plan – 8/25 to 9/1
Hello friends! Here’s what we ate this week, along with how I divided up the prep. If you haven’t checked out the recent posts about meal prep, make sure to take a look! NOTE: This week was heavy on freezer prep because we were out of a few staples. Freezer prep: meatballs, muffins, and bacon …